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Adding links

This allows you to link to other sites, pages of your site or documents from the resource library .

The Link List Module  also offers the ability to add a quick list of links, but these instructions apply if you want to include a link as part of a paragraph.

First highlight the text or image in your formatted text which you wish to use as the link.

Insert Link Button Image

Click on Insert / Edit link from the toolbar (as shown above) and the following pop up appears

Adding Link Key with Description

Once you have added the required details click OK and then on Save Text  at the bottom of the original form, if you have finished editing the text area.

If linking to an internal page  pick the page you would like to link to from the Link list dropdown instead and leave the Url  field empty.

If linking to another website  add the Url (the address for the site) into the Url  field, making sure to include the prefix, which is usually http://www.  

If linking to an email  simply copy the email address you want to link to and paste it into the Url  field. A pop-up will appear and ask if you would like to add the mailto prefix - click OK

If linking to a document  go to the resource library  and find the document that you want to link to. Copy the file name (highlight and Ctrl+C) including the file extension (eg .docx or .pdf). You then need to type the folder path into the Url field, starting with /docs . So if you are linking to a file in the main documents folder, you would type something like /docs/example-doc.pdf. If you are linking to a file which has been added to a folder within the document library, would would need to put the folder name too, eg /docs/my-folder/example-doc.pdf.