Stability and Upgradability as Standard

"Enterprise Architecture" means that is it a solution that is designed to scale as your solution grows, capable of running either lots of small sites on a low spec server to extremely high traffic sites across multiple high spec servers.

proteanCMS is built on the Microsoft .Net framework and XSLT, both of which compile to dll's which are held in memory and run extremely fast. Unlike PHP which is interpreted on each request and runs slow consuming way more resources. Wordpress, Drupal and many other popular platforms and build on PHP and it is responsible for 90% of websites today.

Imagine the carbon footprint savings if all those sites were built on proteanCMS !

It also uses the 'N' Tier or more recently referred to as MVC architecture  model.

The idea is that the Database (Model), Business Logic (Controller) and Presentation (View) are separated out into distinct areas within the application.

However proteanCMS has avoided the standard web development methodologies that have come and gone with Microsoft over the years opting for their own methodology which has not become outdated.


The database runs on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later a superb and stable enterprise level database platform.

The database schema is consistent between all sites regardless of bespoke modifications. The platform manages any required updates to the database schema as required.

The database is responsible for storing, all Page Information, Site Content, Users, Access Rights, Order History and much more.

Business Logic

The business logic defines the logic around the content presented on the page and how that is managed and updated behind the scenes.

The business logic in proteanCMS is unique in that it can be updated at a server level so individual sites will always be running on the latest version.

Bespoke features that require additional business logic can be developed using our plugin model, whilst not affecting the overall platform upgrade paths.

All of the above means that the web developer need not worry about any of this, and they can focus on the customers requirements, which leads us to the....

Presentation Layer

This is where things really get flexible lets move on to talk about Awesome Templating