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Useful XSLT Templates

Useful Functions and Variables


There are a whole raft of useful functions contained in the following file


A web developer using eonicweb should become familiar with these variables and functions.


Page and Navigation Variables

$page - returns the full page Xml

$pageId - returns the page id of the current page

$menu - returns the menu root

$cart - returns the current cart xml

$cartPage - returns the current cart process stage

$adminMode - returns true if the user is logged in on admin

$currentPage - Returns the menuItem node of the current page

$sectionPage - Returns the menuItem node of the first level that the contains the current page

$subSectionPage - Returns the menuItem node of the second level that the contains the current page

$subSubSectionPage - Returns the menuItem node of the third level that the contains the current page

$href - returns the full URL of the current page or article


Date Variables

$today - Todays date


$currentMonth - current month numberic

$curretnDay  - current day of the month

$calendarMonth - Month specficied in a calendar control on the current page


Other Variables

$illeagalURLString - list of characters that cannot be used in URL's

$illeagalReplaceString - returns "----" to be used in URL's

$userAgent - Returns the users browser and version details

$browserVersion - Returns the current browser version

$paramDelimiter - Returns & in adminMode and ? when live. This is used in URL's which have existing querystrings when in admin but not live.

$currency - returns the current currency, default = GBP

$currencySymbol - Returns the current currency symbol, default = £

$querySymbol - Same as paramDelimiter

$descriptiveContentURLs - TBC

$siteURL - URL of the current site not secured

$siteName - Returns the name of the site from config settings

$cartSiteURL - returns the secure URL of the current site

$artId - returns the id of the current article shown

$appPath - returns the file path on the server of the current application


$alphabetLo - returns 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'


Javascript Templates

Use the following templates to load in specific javascript files for your site.

<!-- overidable template to pull in site specific files -->
<xsl:template match="Page" mode="siteJs"></xsl:template>

<!-- overide template for site specific footer js -->
<xsl:template match="Page" mode="siteFooterJs"></xsl:template>

<!-- overidable template to pull in page specific files -->
<xsl:template match="Page" mode="pageJs"></xsl:template>


String Functions

this returns a string with any illegal javascript characters escaped.

<xsl:call-template name="escape-js">
<xsl:with-param name="string">
<xsl:value-of select="Value to Escape"/>